Wednesday, July 25, 2007

Hold your fire!

What have I done? My innocent post on Harry Potter has released a hornet's nest. Library bloggers are conducting a vicious battle royal in my comments column. It wasn't meant to be like this. I hoped that where there was war, my blog would bring peace; where there was hate, my blog would bring love. Now cut it out, you kids! Yeah, it's fun until someone's eye gets put out with a quidditch-stick...or a sniggle-snoggle..or (insert your own Rowlingism here).

Let's forget our differences and combine against the real enemy...Library 2.0!

Update: some wise words of warning from Marian Paroo in the comments to this post. At first I thought I would be safe if I just stayed away from making snide cracks about Library blogs with pictures of cats. I wish! I just had to go and stomp on the toes of the Harry Potterers, and now the Web 2.0 zealots. Excuse me, but I think I hear an angry mob outside my window. Pitchforks? Check. Flaming torches? Check.

But seriously, I am somehow not surprised to hear Marian's report from the Library 2.0 flame wars. I can see how easily the barely concealed fervour in even rational-seeming types like David Lee King could turn into "Kill the unbeliever!!"


The Learning 2.0 Program said...

Congratulations on the 'hornets nest'......your Blog is leading the field in comments :) !!

Marian Paroo said...

You want a flame war? I'll give you a flame war! Subscribe to the DigRef list and you can see how people who bring up some criticisms of Web 2.0, or even post links to other people's criticisms of Web 2.0, are summarily jumped upon and beaten soundly with badly-spelt and punctuated diatribes against anyone who dares to question the almighty Progress.

You can also read some horror stories about libraries and librarians in Second Life. Be grateful that the Learning 2.0 program doesn't require us to do additional desk shifts in a virtual reality...

David Lee King said...

David Lee King here...

Hee.. "Kill the unbeliever!" Just kidding - couldn't resist that one... :-)

Seriously though - most of the people I have read who have a problem with web 2.0/library 2.0 tends to say two things: 1. who has time/you must be wasting time and 2. blogs are personal diaries about (ahem) cats. They haven't explored enough (like you guys are) to see that blogs, wikis, etc can be extremely powerful community builders...

But that's just me. Thanks for the kind words, too!